SIPT - Simple Image Presentation Tool

Use the following link to start SIPT via Java WebStart.


SIPT is a simple Java-based application to view pictures from a directory and to make simple modifications to these pictures. Special functionality provided by SIPT is a slideshow presentation including music and the flexible generation of HTML thumbnail pages.

The basic idea of this application is that you can open directories and view all pictures included there. You can open serveral directories at the same time. Use the menu "File->Open directory..." to do so. The SIPT window is split into three areas. The bottom area shows thumbnails of all pictures in the directory. If a thumbnail is selected, the corresponding image is shown in the upper right area.

The following three functions can be found in the presentation menu:

1. Full-screen presentation

2. Slideshow

3. Generation of HTML thumbnail pages

Last change: 28.03.2003 (jh)