MAVA Multimedia Suite

Über die MAVA Multimedia Suite
Installation von Java
MMP: MAVA Multimedia Player
MMEd: MAVA Multimedia Editor
Erweiterungen für MMP und MMEd
Erweiterungen für MMP und MMEd von Dritten
MMP Demo Applet
Weitere MMP Dokumente
Aktuelle Entwicklung

Last change: 08.05.2004 (jh)

HTML Export / Creation of an Applet

This short article describes how simple it is to view a document created with the MAVA Multimedia Suite in a web browser. It assumes that the reader has some basic experience with the MAVA Multimedia Suite.

The HTML export feature is provided as an extension for MMEd. You can check out whether the extension is installed or not by looking into the "tools" menu of MMEd. If you can find an entry called "Generate HTML Page" there, the extension is successfully installed. If it is not installed, you can find it on the "Extensions for MMP and MMEd" page for downloading.

The HTML export does two things. First, it generates an HTML page which includes an applet tag and all parameters that are necessary to run the presentation as an applet. The HTML page has the same filename as the document with a different extension (".html"). Secondly, it copies two jar files in the directory where the document and the HTML page is stored. These jar files are needed by the applet. To work, the applet needs all extensions required by the document. Therefore, the HTML export makes the assumption that the document has been exported by the export functionality of MMEd. This means that the presentation format (with the extension ".mava") was created and all required extensions have been copied to a subdirectory ("extensions").

To generate an HTML page, open a document in MMEd and select the "Generate HTML Page" menu. The HTML export takes only a few seconds. After that, you can start your web browser and use the file menu to open a document from the local file system. Go to the directory where you stored your MMP document. There you will find a HTML file with the same name as your document. After opening this file, the presentation will load and then start immediately.

For the MMP Demo Applet this export functionality was used. The applet tag was cut out and put into the corresponding page of this homepage. That was all what had to be done to publish the applet there.

It is required that at least a Java Runtime Environment and the JMF is installed on the client computer to view a document. Otherwise the applet will not start.