MAVA Multimedia Suite - Extensions

About the MAVA Multimedia Suite
System Requirements
Installing Java
MMP: MAVA Multimedia Player
MMEd: MAVA Multimedia Editor
Extensions for MMP and MMEd
Third party extensions for MMP and MMEd
License Agreement
MMP Demo Applet
More MMP Documents
Current Development

Last change: 12.03.2004 (jh)

Installation of Extensions

  • Extensions for MMEd
    This ZIP file contains several extensions for the authoring tool MMEd. You can extract the zip file in an arbitrary directory. After this, you use the authoring tool to integrate the extensions. To do so, you have to open the preferences dialog from the file menu. Go to the extensions tab und select the add extension button. A file selection dialog opens. There you can select one extension (extensions end with ". jar") or several using the control key. The authoring tool will copy the extension to the correct location and add all document elements contained in it to the user interface.
  • Extensions for MMP
    This ZIP file contains extensions for the presentation system. This file is provided for MAVA experts only. You do not need these extensions because the authoring tool automatically creates a subdirectory and copies all required extension in there. Mava experts can create the directory on their own and copy the extensions in their by hand. Extensions are stored in a subdirectory (relative to the document directory) with the name "extensions".

Replacement of Existing Extensions

New Versions of the Mava Multimedia Suite require also new versions of extensions. Currently, there is no auto replacement of extensions. That means that after updating the suite all extensions have to be deleted by hand. Necessary steps are described next.

Search for the directory ".mava" using the explorer. This directory has two subdirectories "extensions" and "med_extensions". Delete the contents of both subdirectories. The presentation system MMP will automatically reinstall extensions. Extensions for MMEd have to be reinstalled as described above.

Under your user directory you will find a subdirectory ".mava". This directory has two subdirectories "extensions" and "med_extensions". Delete the contents of both subdirectories. The presentation system MMP will automatically reinstall extensions. Extensions for MMEd have to be reinstalled as described above.